How to be Confident With Women

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I’ve read biographies of famous athletes, warriors, leaders, etc., who are considered very masculine. But what was interesting to find was that they felt completely powerless around women.They lack the Confidence.

For men, it was rather shocking. I know that women are attracted to specific male qualities and characteristics. And those athletes and leaders definitely posses those qualities. Strong, Powerful men are what women need. However, it seems not enough. They just can’t be confident around women.

Some men just feel powerless around women. It’s in some way funny. A powerful and strong man is for a woman, what a thin blond girl with huge tits for a man. It’s very attractive. So why do so many men have no confidence when it comes to women.

I can find many reasons for this. It’s definitely related to social conditioning. It’s also related to beliefs. It might also result from little experience with women. Every man might have his own reasons for not having confidence with women. What is important now is finding the path towards becoming that confident guy who attracts and gets women.

Becoming Confident #1 – Don’t care about Outcomes

We feel nervous when we care about things. If you are gambling on a 1 Million $, you will be much more nervous about it than if it was just 100 $.

So a great reason for which men don’t feel confident with women, whether it’s approaching or having a conversation, is because they are afraid of the consequences. But that only does the opposite, because you are are not confident, you lose the woman.

A great step towards becoming confident, is just not caring too much about what happens. You approached the girl and she rejected you? So what! You are afraid of saying something “rude” because the girl might get insulted? So what!?

Stop caring about the results. They are not that important. No girl is that important. When you are talking with a friend you don’t think about every word you say. So why should you be different with a girl you hardly know.


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Becoming Confident #2 – There are Millions of Women

I Believe in Abundance. I believe there is plenty of money, plenty of people, and yes – plenty of women out there. Many of those women, are women you can easily get!

So, becoming confident with women is easy when you understand that the specific woman you are talking to is not special at all. There are many women who are much better than her. She is just a girl.

She doesn’t deserve any special treatment and you don’t need to invest too much in her.

Becoming Confident #3 – Get Used to Women

Getting confident with anything in life, needs practice. If you are studying public speaking, then you need to practice and do many speeches in order to be confident with it.

Being Confident with Women is not different. In order to be and feel confident with women you need to practice, and get used to interactions with women. Especially women that you don’t know.

The concept here is allowing yourself to fail in the beginning. If you want to get experience, that’s your goal. You can approach women, and your only goal is to get experience with women. You don’t care about taking numbers, you don’t care how she reacts. In fact, negative reaction will teach you more.

Confidence With Women

Being Confident with women is an attractive quality for a man. Although there are many attractive skills you need to have, I believe that being confident is a basic one. You must be confident with women in order to succeed in attracting and seducing them.

We discussed today 3 concepts in becoming successful with women. The first 2 are beliefs that I recommend you to obtain. The first one is not caring about what happens. The second belief is that there is an abundance of women out there.

These 2 beliefs will make you care less about a specific woman. So, if you don’t really care about something, you can have the confidence. We are not talking about your girlfriend or wife. I am talking about women you hardly know – there is no reason to care about what happens.

The 3rd concept is to practice. Experience in interaction with women provides you confidence. So go out and get experience in talking with women.

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